Holiday sales are in full swing and as an ecommerce seller you may be encountering some sticky situations that you haven't dealt with before.What to do?Join us our Tips From the Top podcast this Wed (Dec 9) at noon ET/9am PT when Charlene Anderson - experienced ecommerce seller - joins us to talk about how to handle 5 of the major/most common online selling problems.Charlene currently sells on her own website as well as on eBay, Amazon, etsy and a couple of the smaller sites.
With 10+ years experience in online selling, Charlene has run across all types of buyers and all kinds of problems that can occur. Make your life easier and learn from her experiences!While I can't reveal all the selling problems Charlene will cover, I can say that it's not the end of the world if you ship the wrong item! :-)
The podcast Chat Room will be open during the call (Thu Dec 9 at noon ET/9am PT). We welcome you to join us 'live' so you can contribute to the discussion &/or ask questions about any 'problem situations' you've encountered.We have also started a related 'Discussion' on The Savvy Seller Facebook page so please join in there - post a problem, offer a suggestion to someone else or just commiserate!
via thesavvyseller-onlineauctioneducation.blogspot.com