Tumbled by waves and transformed by sand, nature gives us beach glass. But when buying beach glass, be aware that there is the real deal, collected from the beach, and man-made or replica beach glass, where broken bottles and other glass items are tumbled to create the ubaque, rounded, smooth beach glass look. There's nothing wrong with this manmade beach glass, just be aware of what you are getting when you buy beach glass and pay accordingly. True beach glass is relatively expensive; replica beach glass very reaonable in price.
True beach glass is collected from the shores of oceans and large lakes. It is becoming increasing rare as more artisans are drawn to it for its beauty and versatility. Colors are determined by the origin of the bottle or other glass item they come from. Vick’s Vapor Rub, Philip’s Milk of Magnesia, canning jars, Blue Coral car wax, and Noxema are responsible for various shades of blue. Depression glass is responsible many of the beautiful pastel colors that we find, and apothecary bottles and beer bottles give us the brown glass. Clear glass may come from bottles containing anything from milk to shampoo. Rare colors include red, (a coveted find from old boat lights and similar items) yellow, orange, purple and teal.