One of my favorite blogs,
Productivity 501, has featured one of my posts in their "Make Yourself Smarter" post. Here's what I had to say:
I make sure I read every day, and not just blogs, but books, magazines, newsletters and newspapers. I also have the TV on in the background while I work and “watch” TIVOed shows from Discovery, TLC, History Channel, and the like.
I always like to find something that makes me say “I didn’t know that.” There is so much to learn in this world and so little time that I really make a concerted effort to keep learning and growing every day. If you don’t learn something new every day, no matter what it is, you’ll stagnate.
And a comment from the moderator:
Personally, I find it very difficult to watch something while doing something else, but Charlene makes a good point about how much information is available if we just take the time to consume it. I have started trying to move most of my reading offline. While I still take time to read blogs and some items on the web, I found that it was crowding out time that I would normally spend reading books.