Hawaiian jewelry history dates back to England during the Victorian Era, when Queen Kapiolani and Princess Liliuokalani attended Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887. At the Jubilee they were presented with solid gold bracelets, with their names cut out in Old English Lettering filled with black enamel. The Queen and the Princess were so enraptured with their unique gifts that they had similar bracelets made for other Royal members upon their return to Hawaii.
A legacy was created and it lives on today, stronger than ever. Hawaiian jewelry is often given to celebrate milestones; birthdays, graduations, weddings and anniversaries; an heirloom that is passed on from generation to generation.
Because of its timeless beauty, all the magic, tradition and pride of the Hawaiian culture becomes yours when you wear our cherished collectibles. It is why the people of Hawaii say, "To own a piece of Hawaiian jewelry is to own a piece of Hawaii."