by Nancy Vaughan... Last spring after finishing a remodeling job that included some electrical work the contractor asked me if I had any use for the leftover pieces of copper wire. I'm in favor of recycling and re-purposing so you can imagine all of the ideas that started forming in my mind. The wire was quite heavy, 12 gauge, but very bendable. I started out making simple pendants then moved on to more and more complex pendant designs.Before long I was out of wire. So I began calling around to various home improvement centers to see what gauges of wire they had. Home Depot to the rescue!When I went to my local Home Depot I found just what I wanted, 12ga bare copper wire. The gentleman who measured and cut the wire was a bit startled when I ask for 25 feet. He was curious about how I planned to use it and I told him, "I'm going to use it to make jewelry."He just raised his eyebrows and cut the wire.
To date I've used over 50 feet of wire. Pendants were the first things I made. Then I started making bracelets. The first bracelets were simple wave cuffs with various kinds and colors of beads. After that I made a few with silver and some with brass, some with little waves and other with bigger waves. My next step was to incorporate circles of wire into various designs. The most recent designs are made with a series of continuous circles that are formed around a sharpie pen. The only other tools used are a pair of round nose pliers for the small loops and my fingers. I have a cheap pair of needle nose pliers with heavily padded jaws to make bigger loops and curves but I don't generally use them on the circle cuffs. It has been a grand adventure into the world of electrical wire. It really does pay to make friends with your electrician.